CM Punk's WWE Return is a Blow to AEW

Posted By James Walsh on 11/27/23

I've started to see fans writig the obituary for AEW upon the return of CM Punk to WWE. While I sided with Punk during the entire, year long struggle with the EVP's and their indy minded minions, I want to remind people that AEW is damaged but not dead.

Oh, it will feel dead when you tune in on Wednesday to cold matches for a questionable tournament with little to no actual excitement around it. In fact, it could easily feel like WCW Starcade 1992 where there was clearly a direction the company was taking that the talent didn't believe in, the blacked out crowd proved there were no fans that believed in it, and an overall vibe that the company was on the wrong course. All of those things accurately describe AEW right now. But, again, it isn't dead.

AEW has to regroup. It has to hire a booker to write coherent TV and TV that is compelling instead of cold matches that go on far too long. Marks like Will Washington need to be let go in favor of actual grown adults with a clue.

But, what do I know?