Jack Perry explains why he ripped up his AEW contract during first NJPW appearance

Posted By James Walsh on 03/29/24

AEW star Jack Perry, who has been wrestling for NJPW in recent months, did an interview with njpw1972.com and here are the highlights…

–After you targeted Shota Umino in San Jose, you ripped up your AEW contract. What was going through your mind in that moment?

Perry: Ripping that contract was a declaration ‘I’m not playing by your rules anymore’. If (AEW) are too afraid to have me anymore, if the spectre of Jack Perry is too much, they don’t want to deal with the conversations, the ramifications that brings, then that’s fine.

–Certainly your last moments in AEW were very controversial.

Perry: I don’t need them. I will go by myself across the world, all by myself, without any of my friends, without any of the things I’m used to, anything that’s been my life for the last five years, and I’ll do it on my own, make my own way.

–So with that in mind, can we say you’re no longer AEW’s Jack Perry? Are you NJPW’s Jack Perry? A freelancing Jack Perry? Or HOUSE OF TORTURE’s Jack Perry?

Perry: Some of these things are unclear even to me, but I would say this- loyalty is a two way street, and I show loyalty to those who are loyal to me. As of now, certain parties have been very good to me, and I intend to repay that.