Female NXT Star Credits AEW Producer for Helping Her Get to WWE

Posted By James Walsh on 07/30/24

During an interview with Pittsburgh City Paper, Thea Hail commented on her journey to the WWE NXT brand…

“I quit gymnastics, I quit cheer. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, and I was just scrolling through Instagram, and I always follow WWE. I always thought it was amazing, but I never really thought it was a thing you could do. I saw this video of Rey Mysterio, and I just put my phone down, and went, ‘I’m doing that.’”

“[My father] found me a training school in Pittsburgh called the Stronghold Training Center, and then that was combined with the Iron City Wrestling Academy, and I trained at both of those schools. I ended up landing a dark match for AEW after having a seminar with QT Marshall, and I wrestled Thunder Rosa, and she got me in contact with a recruiter from WWE.”