Dax Harwood addresses the formation of Rated FTR with Adam Copeland in AEW

Posted By James Walsh on 01/01/25

During an interview with WrestleZone.com, Dax Harwood addressed the formation of Rated FTR with Adam Copeland in AEW…

“We’ve been talking about this before he came to AEW, when it was a thought of him coming to AEW. And like you said, we have been part of a lot of groups. I was actually thinking about this today, the funny part is we get a lot of flack online, that we ‘latch on’ to these people or whatever.

But the crazy part to me is, even going back to uh uh FTRKO, do you think that especially in the position we were there, do you think it was Cash and myself that went to Vince [McMahon] and said, ‘Hey, put us with Randy, okay?’ It was Randy that said, ‘I would like to be with these guys.’ Same thing with CMFTR. Do you think, even though we were doing well in AEW, do you think it was us that went to Tony and said, ‘Hey, make sure you put us with Punk?’ Or was it Punk that said, ‘Hey, I wanna be with these guys. I want to have a match with Dax Harwood. I want to team up with you guys.”