Posted By James Walsh on 01/03/25
Tay Melo came up short in her in-ring return.
As noted, the better-half of Sammy Guevara and fellow AEW star made her long-awaited in-ring return in her STARDOM debut at the STARDOM: The New Year 2025 special event on Friday morning.
The match saw Melo join forces with a familiar face to AEW fans, Mina Shirakawa, for a tag-team showdown against ROH Women’s Champion Athena and Thekla.
Athena scored the pin over Melo with her beautiful O-Face in what was her STARDOM debut as well.
Following the bout, Athena and Thekla ripped up a “We Want Mina” sign, before arguing with each other. This led to Thekla challenging Athena after the show, only for Athena to brush it off.
Melo and Shirakawa also spoke in a backstage interview after the show. You can watch all of these videos below.