1973 - December 16th, 2012

Richard Trogdon, one of the little people who carved out a part-time career as a midget wrestler, passed away at the age of 39 on December 16, 2012.


Trogdon never did hit the big-time territories in their final days, but he was trained for the ring and worked on the independent level in the northeast U.S. for some time. His major appearances were for the then-WWF in the 1994 Survivor Series in San Antonio. He was part of Doink the Clowns team as Pink, along with Dink and Wink that faced Jerry Lawler and his sidekicks: Sleazy, Queasy and Cheesy.


He lived with chronic and major pain for the last number of years, and had to undergo three spinal surgeries that did little to alleviate his condition.


Thanks to the Cauliflower Alley Club for the above.